Chesney secures Republican nomination for State Senate in the 45th District
Freeport: State Representative Andrew Chesney has secured the Republican nomination for Illinois State Senate in the 45th District and will be unopposed in the June 28th Republican Primary. Chesney had received the endorsement of the Republican State Senate Republican Leader Dan McConchie as well as State Senator Brian Stewart along with many local elected officials including every Sheriff across the seven-county district.
“I want to thank all of the people who helped make my nomination possible. Of course, none of this would be possible without the support and encouragement of my friend and mentor State Senator Brian Stewart. I also want to thank those who passed my petitions and got the word out about my candidacy,” said State Representative Andrew Chesney.
“Because of all of the politicking over the district maps, we were off to a late start but with a series of meet and greets and attendance at many events, we quickly built a solid organization and secured the support of many Republican elected officials throughout Northwest Illinois. The work that we put in resulted in a clear path in the Republican Primary” said Chesney.
“I will continue to work hard for the people I currently represent, and I will get to know the people in the new state senate district, and I will focus on the issues that are important to them. Our next hurdle will be the November General Election and with the continued support of the good people of Northwest Illinois I will be successful,” said Chesney.
Andrew Chesney and his wife Kelly reside in Freeport. He is an honors graduate of Arizona State University. He has built a career in real estate and for over a decade played a primary role in his family-owned manufacturing business.
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