Former 89th District Rep Jim Sacia endorses Andrew Chesney

Former 89th District Rep Jim Sacia endorses Andrew Chesney
Freeport—Andrew Chesney, candidate for 89th District State Representative, has been endorsed by former 89th District State Representative Jim Sacia. Sacia represented Northwest Illinois in the house for over a decade, he supported and was succeeded by Representative Brian Stewart who is now running for the State Senate. Sacia is also a small businessman and former agent for the Federal Bureau of Investigation.
“Andrew Chesney has worked hard building support for his campaign and understanding the issues that are on the minds of the people of Northwest Illinois. When I served in the Illinois House I made it a priority to know the views of my constituents and to represent those views on the floor of the Illinois House. Andrew Chesney has my support and endorsement because he too shares my view of what a representative should be,” said Jim Sacia.
“Andrew Chesney has my vote and he will need your vote too. Who your representative in Springfield is and what they believe is very important. The differences between he and his opponent are miles apart and if we want a representative in Springfield who represents our values then we need to elect Andrew Chesney,” said Sacia.
“I am honored to have the endorsement of Representative Jim Sacia. Jim Sacia’s name has always been held in high esteem in Northwest Illinois. Jim Sacia and I share the same values that are held by the people of the 89th District. I will continue to work hard to deny the Chicago Democrats a seat in the Illinois House here in Northwest Illinois and with people like Jim Sacia on my team we will get it done,” said Andrew Chesney.
Chesney announced his candidacy for the 89th Illinois House district seat in September following the announcement that current State Representative Brian Stewart (R-Freeport) would be seeking election to the Illinois State Senate upon the retirement next year of current State Senator Tim Bivins (R-Dixon). Chesney won the Republican nomination for 89th State Representative District in the March 20, 2018 Primary election.
A native of Shannon, Illinois, Chesney is the current alderman at large in the city of Freeport and a division sales manager for Seaga Manufacturing in Freeport. He is also the current chairman of the Stephenson County Republican Central Committee.
He and his wife Kelly live in Freeport and share their home with Nicholas who Andrew met through the Big Brother program. The 89th Illinois House District is made up of parts of Carroll, Jo Daviess, Ogle, Stephenson, Whiteside, and Winnebago Counties.